Nanna fra Viborg roser håndværker for fremragende arbejde med haveprojekt


Vi har netop fået følgende anmeldelse på fra Nanna, 8800 Viborg. Vedrørende byggesag: got rid of the lawn - removed a lot of clay and replaced it with good soil -- encreased . Læs beskrivelse her: Jonas did an excellent job which was not easy !! he dug up the lawn and due to the fact that their was no soil underneath he had to dig all the clay up first and then replace the area where we plan to have evergreens and flowers with good soil !! he also increased the patio and did as I said an excellent job !!

HE was a delightful young man but also very professional !!! Sorry for writing in English but I have been away from Denmark for more than 66 years and my Danish is not the best !! cheers and thanks again from Nanna Gow Asmild Mark Viborg

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